직업 연습, 마이너스 2002


직업 연습, 마이너스 2002 #1

C-프린트, 액자
61.5 x 58.8 cm
Ed. 8 / II A.P.

베를린 빈 루카치 갤러리 제공

사진: Yeonjin Oh


직업 연습, 마이너스 2002 #2
2002 / 2011

C-프린트, 액자
61.5 x 58.8 cm
Ed. 8 / II A.P.

베를린 빈 루카치 갤러리 제공

사진: Yeonjin Oh


The work, Practising Profession, Minus 2002, was specially initiated for the participation in the exhibition ”40 Jahre: Fluxus und die Folgen (40 Years: Fluxus and the Consequences)” in which I simultaneously got rewarded and challenged as a kind of successor of Fluxus. Practising Profession, Minus 2002 includes not only a custom-made work outfit, but also artistic duties t accomplish series of extra-ordinary performances with it to respond to a blunt insistence that I am a better artist in this suit.

Section 1: The suit is personalized work clothing for all occasions which I find to be interesting or relevant in professional terms. The jacket is in high fashion brand, the pants were bought second-hand at a flea market. The suit actually looks simple, timeless and gender neutral, but both pieces are modified to wear inside out that despite different origings it eventually looks equally odd. The suit seems therefore less representative, yet seems to demand a new confidence.

Section 2: During the entire course of the exhibition, I wear the suit no matter where I am. Consistent daily use is crucial to the success of this project, since it is boud to insistence / belief that I will achieve extraordinary results based on the challenge by it as well as the confiedence from it. Yet, there is a doubt that this project leaves an unwanted and less innovative fetish object possibly against the Flusus spirit.

Section 3: In and outside the exhibition I attempt to perform self-provocative actions with the help of the suit. These actions create not only tangible visibilities, but also dense moments in regard to the notion of artistic production. This section functions under the motto innovation and provocation, bodily and psychological limits are tested in order to show whether the suit really helps.


전시 이력:

«플럭서스와 그 결과», 비스바덴 여름미술제, 비스바덴, 독일, 2002

Jahresgaben 2002/03, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main, 2002

«내부자의 온전성», 워커 아트 센터, 미네아폴리스, 미국, 2009

«작업장을 떠나는 노동자들», 스츠키 미술관, 로츠, 폴란드, 2010

«방파제», 펠릭스 곤잘레스 토레스 2인전, 아놀피니, 브리스톨, 영국, 2011

«동음이의어들의 가계», 오베트 1928, 스트라스부르 근현대미술관, 스트라스부르, 프랑스, 2013



