Sonic Coupe


Sonic Coupe Copper – Enclosed Unity

Powder-coated steel frame, powder-coated mesh, powder-coated handles, ball bearing, casters, copper plated bells, metal rings

212 x 110 x 110 cm

Courtesy of the artist
Commissioned for the Marron Atrium by The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Photo: Studio Haegue Yang


Sonic Coupe Nickel – Enclosed Unity

Powder-coated steel frame, powder-coated mesh, powder-coated handles, ball bearing, casters, nickel plated bells, metal rings

212 x 170 x 170 cm

Courtesy of the artist
Commissioned for the Marron Atrium by The Museum of Modern Art, New York

Photo: Studio Haegue Yang


Exhibition history

Continuous Reenactments, Helsinki Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland, 2023

Handles, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA, 2019


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